Day 2: Paranormal Romance Blog Tour 2018

PRBTBanner2018Welcome to the second day of the Paranormal Romance Blog Tour. I’m honored to introduce you to the next author. I had the chance to talk with Lorri all about her favorite Halloween memories, the joys of writing paranormal romance, and what she is working on next for us. Her book, The Magic of Burrows Bay, will be FREE on Amazon all this week during the blog tour.

  • What is your favorite Halloween costume or memory?

Lorri Moulton: I think one of my favorite memories is last year’s Halloween. My mom and I dressed up and went to have dinner with some of her friends. I was Little Red Riding Hood, she was Cleopatra, and I’m trying to get her to dress up again this year because it was a lot of fun!

We live in a small town, so a lot of people dress up and go to the charity events in the park/fairgrounds. The businesses are all open and handing out treats for the kids, too. My husband does not dress up too often, but it was fun to get my mom to do it. After all those years of her getting me ready for Halloween as a kid…it was great surprising her with a costume. This is what happens, when I go to big box stores during the last week of October.

  • Who is your favorite romance or paranormal author and how did they influence you?

Lorri Moulton: I love Gothic romances, so I would say those were a big influence…especially the ones written in the 1960s. My mom had a stash of favorite paperbacks and I read them all as a teenager. Nothing like a mysterious mansion, brooding owner, and stormy night to set the scene. My favorite authors win this genre are Mary Stewart, Victoria Holt, and Phyllis Whitney.

  • Do you have a writing routine? Share what works for you.

Lorri Moulton: I try to write first thing in the morning if at all possible. I work full time, so it’s either that or evenings and weekends. When I can get at least 500 words done in the morning, my entire day seems to go more smoothly.

  • What paranormal creatures or subjects would you like to write about?

Lorri Moulton: I love to write about regular people, who find themselves in unusual circumstances. What would happen if you suddenly found out you were a witch or a shifter? Or if someone attacked you and you were transformed into a vampire? I’m working on a series right now with two cousins, who find out they may have more magic in their family tree than they ever realized.

  • Why did you start writing paranormal romances? What is some advice to anyone that is thinking of writing paranormal romance?

Lorri Moulton: I love magic. It makes the ordinary truly extraordinary. Paranormal characters are another way to take a romance or mystery and set it apart from the other books in that genre. If you have a good idea, but decide to make your MC a vampire or a shifter that can really add to the story. For me, it’s important that the characters and plot would drive a story even without a paranormal element. Make your characters as real as possible, then add that paranormal twist. That would be my advice.

  • What projects are you working on right now?

Lorri Moulton: I am trying to finish the sequel to The Magic of Burrows Bay before Halloween. I don’t know if we’ll get there, but it will be close! There’s one more book planned in the series and we’re trying to finish it before we move on to our next projects. Abigail McKee and I have been friends for a long time, so that relationship is reflected in the two main characters. As soon as we finish this, I will be working on the sequel to my paranormal romance/mystery Moonlight, Roses & Murder.

magicBurrowsBaycvrThe Magic of Burrows Bay is a story about family, love and magic. Taking place on Fidalgo Island north of Seattle, it’s a small town story of a legacy of magic passed down from grandmother to granddaughters. But there is a catch. Two cousins, Gabriella and Moira, inherit a house, the grounds and all the things that go with it. What they don’t bargain for is the magic they will have to learn to master to save the house and themselves.

The Magic of Burrows Bay is FREE all this week during the blog tour, Oct. 22-26. Get it here at

For more information for Lorri Moulton, visit her website here.

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